Friday, July 15, 2016

Follow up on the Ark Park

Here's a quick follow-up to "The 'Ark Park' is not an Educational Institution! Nor is its purpose Recreational or Historical!"

Kennie Ham has double-downed his whine toward the Freedom From Religion Foundation.  He's offering public school who organize a field trip a price decrease.  Instead of $28 per child, they can get preached at for $1.00 a child and the accompanying teacher can get in for free.  Imagine that, a 96% price decrease.  How incredible, it must be a miracle!

And, yet another bout of discrimination, and this one is against his own believers.  If your parochial school organizes a field trip, you get to pay full price.  Yes, a public school trip of 20 students and two teachers will run $20, but a Christian school trip will run $640, $28 per child and $40 each for the teachers.  I guess you don't need to cut believers a break.  We now know who kennie really, really wants to visit his church, don't we?  Believers get to foot the bill so he can preach to children who don't share his narrow worldview.

Here's what I see happening.  The majority of teachers and schools will ignore kennie's monument to himself.  But a few might get caught up in his delusion.  While you would normally assume teachers would know better, there are always instances where a teacher is also a believer of such fervor, that sense is overwhelmed by their religious beliefs.  Just ask John Freshwater and a pair of teachers  I read about just today concerning a school in Texas:
" . . . complaint alleged that one teacher showed the Christian movie, “God’s Not Dead,” to his ninth-grade health class in the spring of 2015 and other another showed a documentary about the theory of intelligent design to a ninth-grade biology class."
when a science teacher said they didn't believe in evolution and showed their students "Expelled!" and also the Christian movie "God is not Dead!" (source)
At least one parent, probably more, will object and find a lawyer.  The school system could very well end up in a costly litigation, something like the Dover Trial . . . and guess what that would cost little kennie . . . not one damn dime.  Plus he will get hours of airtime and inches of newspaper columns of free publicity.  Hopefully it won't come to that, but some teacher will probably put his religious beliefs ahead of his duties as a public school teacher and not only lower the education standard of their students, but place their school system in a precarious legal position!

I wonder what the DI is going to say about any of this?  I imagine they will be cheering kennie on, after all it won't cost them anything if Kentucky loses.  I wonder how many Kentucky lawmakers are they hitting up with a copy of their 'academic freedom' bill?

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