Friday, December 22, 2017

Kennie Ham Doesn't Like Santa Claus

In a new post over on AiG, "Naughty or Nice?" one of kennie's 'Hamians' said a few things, like this:

"Believing that Santa is watching their every move and judging their actions to see if they deserve gifts may be an effective way of getting children to behave during the holiday season, but what message is this sending?"
However, isn't that exactly what kennie does with his religion?  Let's paraphrase part this a bit and see where we go:
'Believing that God is watching their every move and judging their actions to see if they deserve gifts [like everlasting life]'
God, that omniscient and omnipresent 'entity', is doing pretty much what is also attributed to Santa.  The Hamian also said:
"It also urges children to “be good for goodness’ sake!” But some vague idea of “goodness’ sake” or the hope of reaping a reward from Santa (or anyone else) should never be our motivation for being good."
Wait a minute, a reward should never be our motivation for being good . . . yet isn't that the main selling point for religions?  Listen to the preachers when they are trying to convince you to join their particular religion!  They use both the threat of everlasting punishment as well as the reward of everlasting life in their sales pitch.

What I hear from every theists who wants to talk to me is how I am going to burn in hell for my failing to share their particular belief set -- and if I simply join them and repent all my sins, then I can live forever in one version of a heaven or another.  The same exact sales pitch, only Santa's rewards come in annually instead of running a lifetime account and coal in your stocking is certainly better than burning in hell, but the sales pitch is the same.  Do this and be rewarded, or fail to do this and get punished.  That's the message!

Here is where the post gets confusing . . . here is another quote:
"But this is completely upside-down compared to the gospel . . . Now he offers the gift of eternal life and freedom from slavery to sin to all who will put their faith and trust in him (Romans 10:9). And it has nothing to do with what we do—but it has everything to do with God’s mercy to us."
If it has nothing to do with what we do . . . why are religions so controlling?  Romans 10:9 says:
"because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
So now I have a question for little kennie ham and any of his Hamians, why are you so homophobic?  Romans makes no mention that an LGBTQ person cannot do that confession and believe in their heart the rest, if it really has nothing to do with what we do -- then why be so homophobic?  Those are the authors words.

No, this post is nothing but trying to hide their controlling behavior and claiming one thing, but their behavior says something very different. It is all about what you do, not just what you believe. Ham won't hire someone for his ministries if they don't share the same set of beliefs. He's rabidly homophobic, while claiming love the sinner -- as long as they don't actually behave in a way he dislikes. He was even dis-invited to a couple of home school conferences because of his:
""unnecessary, ungodly, and mean-spirited" remarks about the conventions and other speakers."
Here is the last thing.  Early in the post, the poster briefly discusses "for goodness sake" as something too vague and ambiguous to actually be applied.  Yet, look at this quote toward the end:
"As believers, we have favor with God because we are clothed in Christ’s righteousness."
Talk about vague and ambiguous!  Every version of Christianity has a different list of what is righteous!  No one really knows what that means, but they were it like a cloak.

In closing, a little bit of timely humor.  Calvin and Hobbes is no longer being written, but the strips are being re-run.  Yesterday's strip was quite timely and appropriate, don't you think?

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