The Discovery Institute is launching a new segment in their 'ID the Future' podcast. Aside from questioning the future of Intelligent Design, the new segment is to encourage people to email questions to the editors of Evolution News and Views (ENV) and they will find ID experts to answer them. It's going to be called "ID Inquiry".
While I am sure they will be able to find ID experts to answer questions, what concerns me is the obvious filtering I believe the questions will go through before any of their 'experts' get to answer them. I imagine nearly any substantive question requiring any level of actual support and evidence will be overlooked in favor of questions that can be answered with vague generalities, suppositions, or a creative twisting of the facts will be addressed instead.
If anyone out there wants to try and listen to it. you might comment here. I would love to be proven wrong about what I imagine 'ID Inquiry' will turn out to be, but since I have other ID resource sites (like Dembski's 'Uncommon Decent' and the ENV site itself) that do exactly what I believe ID Inquiry will do, I am not very confident anything will change.
One last note, what do you think the Future of ID will be? I've made my prediction a while back, but it does bear repeating. I believe that in the near future ID will disappear in favor of a new label overlaid on the same ideas so the whole argument can be re-packaged yet again. I mean didn't ID replace 'Creation Science' when it failed to make any real headway? And didn't 'Creation Science' come about after court rulings against 'Creationism' came to pass. I see ID doing the exact same thing. Oh it won't happen as quickly as I would like because of the investment they have in ID, not to mention one of the few biochemists who supports parts of it. Now that I think about it, didn't it start after the Dover ruling when the DI started saying they weren't pushing ID into the classroom and started their 'critical thinking' and 'academic freedom' arguments? Getting killed in a lawsuit seemed to be the driver in changes.
The forgotten Karla Bonoff
11 hours ago
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